SEO Backlink Guide

SEO Guide: SEO Guide: My 25 Link Building Strategies for 2024

Backlinks are vital to rank in Google. These need to be built using an intelligent SEO Strategy.

For our clients we employ the methods detailed below to acquire backlinks naturally on a keyword-targeted basis. This is a 25-stage offsite SEO program, that we usually deliver in 6-12 months to fulfil natural link building patterns and fit our clients budgets.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss an bespoke SEO Program tailored uniquely for your business.

We very rarely buy links; all of these SEO Solutions involve acquring links naturally.

  • Articles

Well-written articles with compelling keyword-targeted content can be used on your own website to attract backlinks – as well as being placed on credible 3rd party websites that link to yours.

  • Blog Comments

Blog Comments are difficult to acquire however can be placed on keyword-targeted blogs linking to your site. Dated blog comments work especially well.

  • Blogger Outreach

Our Blogger Outreach services automatically reach out to bloggers on a keyword-basis with view to them placing backlinks on their site for you.

  • Business Directory Citations

There are 100s of quality business directories that let you make free business profiles on them, linking to your site.

  • Content Syndication

We provide a service whereby we distribute our clients’ most interesting content to over 100 media and news outlets to attract both traffic and backlnks for SEO.

  • Forum Backlinks

Finding forums where your target audience frequent, and then building fresh content and targeted backlinks to your websites from these on a keyword-targeted basis is highly effective. As with Blog Comments older Forum Comments are valuable.

  • Geo-Targeted Backlinks

Always acquire links that are relevant to your website / business location. Building backlinks from foreign markets in foreign languages is destructive for your site.

  • Google My Business (Maps)

This is a useful tool to link to your website and ensure that you have ownership of. This profile needs to be kept up to date with your company services, opening times and contact details. Positive customer reviews are encouraged. Strong Google My Business profiles command a lot of search engine space in 2023.

  • Guest Posting

Guest Posting on websites with a powerful Domain Authority, with relevant content work well – when you place fresh well-written keyword-targeted informative articles onto them.

  • HARO Journalism

Help A Report Out backlinks require a lot of work to pro-actively find and pitch the most relevant reports. The quality and value of backlnks you acquire are often amazing value from HARO, although if often takes a lot of work to get them.

  • Image Submissions

There are tons of websites where you can place images, with semantic alongside, then link these to your site. These help you get more orgnaic traffic from Google Image Searches, as well as pushing your own site up Google at the same time.

  • Industry Affiliates

In some industry sectors Affiliates dominate the organic search engine rankings; primarily Price Comparison and Review sites. It is worth approaching those website owners carefully to acquire both backlinks and traffic from their site for your brand.

  • Industry News Sites

Popular news sources about your industry offer highly targeted websites to make powerful backlinks to yours from.

  • Influencor Marketing

Hand-picked social media influencors in your niche can provide powerful backlinks that deliver traffic and valuable social signals for SEO.

  • Infographics

Infographics represent an amazingly cost-effective way of acquiring links and traffic. These can also be used for distribution across social media, Web 2.0 and news sites easily. Furthermore infographics can easily become the main talking point of a video which is quick and easy to make and then distribute for more high value links from popular video sites like YouTube.

  • Presentation Distribution

If you have any company presentations these can easily be distributed on popular sites like Slideshare where people share business focussed content. PDF’s and PPT’s can also be easily converted into videos and distributed online. Presentations for SEO must of course be keyword rich for best-practice. This form of SEO helps attract traffic and leads on top of SEO value from backlinks.

  • Press Releases

If you have some compelling news about your company achievements, products or services – this is a great lever to get your brand in the press. A well-written press release can often attract huge amounts of press along with backlinks to your website very quickly and cost-effectively.

  • QA Sites

Popular Q&A sites like Quora attract a lot of traffic and have powerful authority with Google hence are great resources for quality backlinks acquired naturally. We advise that most clients have their own Q&A content on site; marketing communications content that answers your clients most popular questions which are often searched online. This onsite content matches up perfectly with Q&A sites from a backlinking perspective.

  • Social Media Bookmarking

Big social media sites have amazing SEO Domain Authority and you can roll out targeted content onto these platforms to acquire high quality backlinks as well as powerful social signals for SEO. By placing quality content on popular relevant social media sites you can also cost-effectively build Followers, Likes and attract sales online via your social media profiles – on to of the SEO value of attracting social bookmark links for your site.

  • Social Media Profiles

Most companeis should have visible social media profiles on the likes of Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Keyword-targeted social media profiles can also be generated for high quality natural link building.

  • Social Media Group Posting

Most brands have relevant Social Media Groups that are well worth engaging with. You can post informative content to get backlinks, leads and powerful social signals for SEO. Nobody likes a sales person in such social media groups, however everyone loves free value especially media rich content like infographics and videos. Everyone loves reading informative content that contains value, like this article you are reading now.

  • Tier 2 and 3 Links

If you have some really high quality, high value backlinks – one of our most powerful strategies is to boost the value of those links. Its all very well building backlinks on high authority domains, however often when you build fresh content on their sites the actual Page Authority on your new page/link is so low you wonder if its worth your time sometimes. By building powerful Tier 2 and Tier 3 links to potent existing SEO backlinks you have already – you can massively increase your Domain Authority through boosting existing backlinks. Prime examples here are Corporate Social Media Profiles and YouTube Videos – whose links can be boosted in value through building backlinks to those web page which already link directly to yours. This is classic ABC linking which has always worked well for SEOs since Google launched.

  • Video Submissions

If your company has corporate explainer, sales and marketing videos – its quick and cost-effective to distribute those on the major video sites with powerful SEO value. You can put backlinks into each videos keyword-targeted descriptions for some great SEO value and futureproof white-hat backlinks.

  • Web 2.0 Sites

Web 2.0 sites are still useful for SEO when produced on high quality domains. Popular AI tools like Chat GPT have made the production of these backlinks a lot more powerful and even more cost-effcective. We pick our web 2.0 sites carefully as there’s lots of spammy links in this niche.

  • Widgets

We create useful tools and applications for users which are often free or offered on a free trial basis. Tools that customers find useful are best. Like free quote / free valuation tools work well. Any simple tool thats free to use and gives users value e.g. a free currency exchange tool, a free instant no registration quote tool – these are perfect for creative on websites and then distributing the content/widget free in exchange for backlinks.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this article from our SEO Agency Milton Keynes Marketing Ltd.

If you would like to discuss a bespoke SEO program tailored for your business please Contact Us by telephone UK 07484 866 107 or here online. Thank you for your time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key considerations when cultivating backlinks strategically for SEO purposes?

When strategically cultivating backlinks for SEO, factors such as relevance, authority, quality over quantity, natural link acquisition, diversifying sources, tailoring anchor text, and monitoring for spammy links require careful attention. Focusing link cultivation efforts on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites can help boost visibility within search engine results pages.

Can you explain the significance of backlinks regarding Google rankings?

Backlinks are essential for Google’s rankings. They symbolise credibility and trustworthiness since they represent inbound links from other sites. Quality, pertinent backlinks notify search engines about beneficial material, potentially improving visibility and indexing. Concentrating link cultivation efforts on high-quality, applicable backlinks through ethical practices like generating valuable material can correlate to better rankings.

What constitutes an intelligent, strategic approach to link acquisition?

An efficient SEO link acquisition strategy involves generating high-quality material to earn backlinks organically. Outreach to applicable sites and leveraging social networking can facilitate attracting additional links. Partaking in industry forums and guest blogging are also potentially advantageous methods for acquiring quality backlinks and strengthening a website’s authority and visibility within search results.

How can backlinks be obtained naturally in a keyword-targeted manner?

To acquire natural backlinks, generating high-quality, pertinent material for the target audience warrants attention. Leveraging keywords proficiently, guest blogging on reputable sites, networking with industry experts, and promoting material on social media platforms requires focus. Consistent monitoring and managing the backlink profile can enhance a website’s visibility and authority within search rankings.

How do natural link cultivation patterns potentially impact SEO outcomes?

Natural link cultivation is extraordinarily significant for SEO success. Search engines like Google particularly value backlinks from trustworthy sites, denoting credibility. Websites would benefit from concentrating link cultivation efforts on organic links to attract high-quality backlinks. Producing valuable material and building relationships with authoritative sources can correlate to improved search rankings and increased organic traffic.

How should link acquisition strategies be customised based on clients’ budgets?

Customising link acquisition strategies relative to clients’ budgets is crucial in digital marketing. Prioritising quality over quantity, leveraging existing relationships, and concentrating link cultivation efforts on content generation can facilitate achieving SEO objectives successfully within allocated budgets.

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